Reaching your audience


Sales are paramount to success. Learn a bit about how our sales system works and why we do it this way.

What are credits

We use credits

At Backstory we use a unique system for getting your hands on our content. The first step is to buy Backstory credits directly from us. We sell credits in large chunks and there is no limit to the number of credits you can buy. If you run out of credits you can quickly and easily top-up your account from our community site.

Once you have some credits you can redeem them for content that has been published. This might be stories or even artwork. You can use your credits for whatever you like. Search through our catalogue of content and find something that suits you.

Our credits system works in a slightly roundabout way so that we can maximise the revenue of our content contributors. It is important to us that creatives get paid what they deserve, and we want to make absolutely sure that this happens.

We don't sell credits on our reading platform. The reason for this is to maximise contributor revenue. If we sold credits on our reading platform we would legally be required to give 30% to third-party companies including Apple, Google and Amazon. This would reduce the amount of revenue creatives would receive. Instead, we only sell credits via our community site that is outside the ecosystem of these third-parties.

Revenue sharing

Credits distribution

Each story that gets published on our platform has a revenue distribution matrix attached to it. Essentially a price is set in credits for the content. We the platform take a percentage, and the rest is distributed amongst the creatives who have contributed to the content. The distribution is decided by the content's manager, and is determined by how much of a contribution the different creatives have made.

When a reader grabs a copy of the content the credits they use are deducted from their account. These credits are immediately transferred to the accounts of the content's contributors according to the distribution matrix. Creatives no longer have to wait for monthly or quarterly earnings like on other platforms.

Creatives who receive credits for their work are free to use them how they wish. They can be used to grab other content that they want to read or see, or they can be paid out as fiat currency into an attached bank account. Our pay outs system is manually handled by creatives themselves. A pay out can be made at any time for any amount over a minimum threshold. Pay outs into your bank account might take up to 48 hours.

We keep track of all credit transactions on our platform. As a reader you can look back through all of your credit purchases, and your content redemptions. As a creative you can do the same, but you can also see all of your credit earnings and your pay outs. We make a point of making sure you can keep track of your financials with us whether you're a reader, a creative or both.