Broadening horizons


At Backstory we're all about content licensing. Films, TV, games, metaverses and beyond. We're open to all possibilities.

The how of it

How we license content

Seeing the hardwork of our fantastic creatives up on the big screen is always our ambition, and we're keen to make that a reality. We are constantly working to make this happen so that we can all share in the success of quality content.

If you are looking to license content from one or more of our worlds, your first port of call is us. Backstory handles all licensing deals for its content directly. We liaise with relevant creative contributors depending on the content in question.

Licensing our content can happen in different ways. We can license content on an individual basis, such as a single story or a franchise collection. We are also open to the idea of licensing whole worlds in their entirety, including both current and future content.

We don't as a rule license different content from the same world to different third-parties in the same industry. This can lead to unexpected complications which can cause problems. For example, we wouldn't expect to see content from the same Backstory world distributed by different film studios.


If you're interested in licensing Backstory content for your business feel free to get in contact with us and talk through your idea.